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Optimization of blinking code for car with warning lights
i want short following working code blinking module of car: code: [select] void blinker() { uint32_t gpio_1, gpio_2; leftb.get...
program code for ADS1232 in arduino mega2560
i'm having trouble interfacing chip arduino mega2560 i have far: code: [select] int pdwn = 6; int sclk = 5; int data = 4; void set...
Where to insert the break; line in my code?
hello there everyone. i've been working on project involving lighting ws2812bs via bluetooth.the project working way want to, ther...
Altering a code to use four separate start values, rather than just one
hi guys, so have code activates stuff (pneunets, or pns) via arduino , breadboard circuit. right now, i'm trying adapt code using...
Bluetooth communication issue
hi ! please, can me? i'm building car controlled bluetooth. i'm using 2 bluetooth modules, 1 hc 05 , other hc 06. hc 05 master , h...
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