Services | Maharishi Jyotish Program
A detailed prediction for 1 year with no questions.
Answers to 3–4 questions.
2. Standard: $300
A detailed prediction for 1 year and answers to 3–4 questions.
Answers for up to 6 questions.
3. Extende...
Calendar of Auspicious Days 2023 | Maharishi Jyotish Program
Calendar of Auspicious Days 2023
Each day dawns with a different quality of Nature’s intelligence. On these auspicious days in the Vedic Calendar a specific quality of Natural Law is most awake and en...
Benefits | Maharishi Jyotish Program
Enjoy the Benefits
The Maharishi Jyotish program offers individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations the ability to discover new areas of opportunity, anticipate future trends and event...
Maharishi Yagya Performances | Maharishi Jyotish Program
Maharishi Yagya Performances
“Every year the planets go around the sun and influence our life. These influences are classified in terms of positive and negative. Therefore, it is wise to enhance any p...
Comprehensive Birth Chart | Maharishi Jyotish Program
Comprehensive Birth Chart Portfolio
The Birth Chart is a snapshot of the universe at the time of your birth, and displays the planetary influences that will be most lively throughout your lifetime. T...
Jyotish Predictions | Maharishi Jyotish Program
Maharishi Jyotish
Pandits take into account when making their predictions.
1 Planets: The 9 Grahas
Include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, plus the two lunar nodes known as