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Popular pages
LPPM | The London Platinum and Palladium Market
The London Platinum and Palladium Market Website Home Page
LBMA Platinum and Palladium Price Data
LBMA Platinum and Palladium Price Data LPPM has allowed LME to make the LBMA Platinum and Palladium data available on the LPPM website but accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the data, nor f...
The Market
The Market Trading Operating as principals and issuing their own contracts, market making members quote buying and selling prices for spot delivery. Since these prices move in response to worldwide su...
Platinum and Palladium Fixes
Platinum and Palladium Fixes The Platinum and Palladium Fixes refer to benchmark pricing mechanisms for platinum and palladium. These fixes are used in the precious metals markets to establish a refer...
Due to requests from Good Delivery (GD) refiners the LPPM has introduced Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Sponge Accreditation lists to run alongside the current GD bar lists. All refiners currently on...
Good Delivery
Good Delivery To facilitate trading among members, a list of acceptable Refiners is maintained by the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM). This is known as The London/Zurich Good Delivery List...