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Tutorial Intermediate Paint Chipping
LilLegend Commission Painting Studio
High quality professional commission painting service for Games Workshop Forgeworld, and all miniature hobby games.
How to paint Dark Vengeance Tutorial: Hellbrute of Chaos part 1
LilLegend Commission Painting
Step 1 Prime miniature black with aerosol can. I use Halfords Car Primer Black matt because I know that I will be ‘dusting’ the miniature with Vallejo Primer which offers the surface I need for smoot...
How To Paint Dark Vengeance; Deathwing Terminators part 2
LilLegend Commission Painting Studio
Coat all gun metal or grey metallic areas with VMC Rust. Coat all gold areas with VMC Copper, VMC Old Gold and VMC Burnt Umber (40;40;10) Step two Wash metallics with VMC Burnt Umber, VMC Black Ink an...
How to paint Deathwing White.
LilLegend Commission Painting Studio
Unknown This tutorial details how I created the chipped white armour of my Deathwing Terminators. Future installments will detail how I will paint the rest of the miniature (metallics, gun plating, ...
An Introduction to Colour Theory
LilLegend Commission Painting Studio
What is Colour Theory? Colour theory is the practical guidance and study of how colours interact with one another, and how they affect us. When understood and put into practice we can make objects st...
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Lil'Legend Studio Constantin Valdor Captain General of the Legio Custodes. The First of the Ten Thousand. The Shield of the Emperor. This is a personal piece for my Horus Heresy collection. When y...