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Lizhi (Liz) Liu - Assistant Professor at Georgetown University
Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor in the McDonough School of Business and a faculty affiliate of the Department of Government at Georgetown University. My research interests include the political e...
Papers - Lizhi (Liz) Liu
" Connecting the Countryside via E-Commerce: Evidence from China , " with Victor Couture , Benjamin Faber , and Yizhen Gu , American Economic Review: Insights 2021, 3(1): 35–50. [...
Book Project - Lizhi (Liz) Liu
A central question in political economy asks: how do developing states build market-supporting institutions (e.g. secure property rights, contract enforcement, and the rule of law)? Too often,...
CV - Lizhi (Liz) Liu
The Wheels of E-Commerce - Lizhi (Liz) Liu
E-Commerce has revolutionized the way 1.61 billion users trade around the globe. It extends market access to economic peripheries - to citizens who would otherwise have had no access to the...
Contact - Lizhi (Liz) Liu
EMAIL ADDRESS lizhi.liu [at] georgetown [dot] edu MAILING ADDRESS Georgetown University Rafik B. Hariri Building RM 317 37th and O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057