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Advaita Vedanta Anusandhana Kendra
Advaita Vedanta Anusandhana Kendra The Advaita Vedanta Anusandhana Kendra (Advaita Vedanta Research Center) is dedicated to increasing knowledge of the tenets of Advaita Vedanta--a philosophy and reli...
Advaita-l Info Page
Sankara and the smArta sampradAya. Through these discussions, we hope to increase the understanding of our dharma from a traditional stand point which shankara maTha-s uphold right from the time o...
Guru Parampara These shlokas praise the lineage of Advaita gurus from the beginningless Lord Narayana through Shankaracharya and his pupils. Shrivedavyasashtottarashatanamastotram In 18 shlokas, thi...
The Advaita Vedânta Home Page - Advaita and Advaitins
The advaita tradition can be described in terms of two aspects - the textual/philosophical tradition of commentaries and sub-commentaries to the vedAnta works, and the religious tradition of renunciat...
The Advaita Vedânta Home Page - Upanishads
- Comments: The classification of the upanishads on the basis of their subject matter seems reasonable, and other than the 10 principal ones, most of the upanishads quoted by the earliest commentators...
The Advaita Vedânta Home Page
Before you start, please take a look at the transliteration key. Do not be put off by capital letters in the middle of words. They are there for a reason. This site is an attempt at providing an e...