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Living in Italy – The Limonata Lounge
I’ve just read my 42nd book in Italian right in time for my 42nd birthday – Anna Maria Ortese’s collection of short stories and essays Il mare non bagna Napoli. This isn’t a big number since I’ve bee...
Our First Year in Italy – The Limonata Lounge
17 Shares Hello everyone! It’s a year ago today that me and Marituccio said goodbye to London and boarded a plane to Italy with 4 suitcases and a Christmas cactus. Looking back on this time last year,...
Life in Ischia lately – The Limonata Lounge
0 Shares Life has been pretty heavy these past few months, things that have nothing to do with covid and I’ve taken a break from writing on here. But I’m slowly emerging from my cocoon and I missed be...
Immigration – The Limonata Lounge
After going through the labyrinthine process of getting your permesso di soggiorno, carta d’identità, codice fiscale and health card, (congratulations, by the way) the next step in your integration in...
Resources for moving to Italy – The Limonata Lounge
The map room at the Vatican I’ve written a series of blog posts about moving to Italy and how to navigate various bureaucratic hurdles in order to move to and get settled in Italy. These posts are ba...
The Limonata Lounge - Living in Italy
The Limonata Lounge is written by an Italian-American about living in Ischia, Italy.