Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Li-Fi R&D Centre - Lifi Research and Development Centre
The Li-Fi R&D Centre is leading the development of Li-Fi technology into mainstream applications that will soon impact on many aspects of the modern world
The Centre – Lifi Centre
The Centre The LiFi Research and Development Centre (The Centre) is dedicated to accelerating the development of LiFi as a major global industry, through creating a pipeline for innovative i...
Applications of LiFi – Lifi Centre
Applications of LiFi LiFi applications are varied as a result of its key features, such as directional lighting, energy efficiency, intrinsic security, high data rate capability, signal bloc...
What is LiFi? – Lifi Centre
What is LiFi? LiFi technology is a ground-breaking light-based communication technology, which makes use of light waves instead of radio technology to deliver data. LiFi can compensate as th...
Benefits of LiFi – Lifi Centre
The avoidance of the radio frequency spectrum crunch (10,000 times more capacity); Enabling very high peak data rates (10 Gbps) The enabling of the Internet-of-Things (100 times more devices) Signific...
Our People – Lifi Centre
Harald Haas (Fellow, IEEE) is the Director of the LiFi Research and Development Centre at the University of Strathclyde. He is also the Initiator, co-founder, and Chief Scientific Officer of pureLiF...