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kissing the frog
A blog about what really happens after all your dreams come true.
kissing the frog: Healing in Pieces
Mom of the Year, grief and loss, contributing blogger
kissing the frog: missing pieces
missing pieces Joey has been gone for 13 years, and there are already details about him and his life and death that I cannot remember. I couldn't remember what we buried him in. Not a suit. A green...
kissing the frog: Joey's Story
Joey's Story In the spring of 2009, our five-year-old son, Joey, started having debilitating headaches. They were so bad that he would throw up. He had just been to his kindergarten check-up and che...
kissing the frog: Go Ahead and Be "That" Mom
Anyone who knows me knows that I hate conflict. Like I get sweaty, heart palpitations, a sick tummy, tears in my eyes, totally stressed at having to argue my point or stand up for myself at all. I w...
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