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Studio & Residencies – liebig12
FRONT ROOM photo: Aleks Slota Space 70m2, dark wooden floor divided in 2 rooms: front room (street side) 35mq with entrance & big windows, back room 30mq with kitchen/ lounge, sanitary facilities (sho...
Program – liebig12
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WHISPERS – liebig12
Eeva-Liisa Puhakka and Katrin Caspar. The sound installation consists of a dozen sound-objects which record short sound samples, bird songs, which will be amplified and played back within the space a...
Covid19 Quarantine Diaries::window interface series – liebig12
intercontinental collective of artists & activists in Residency at Liebig12! “Liebig34 continued blasting tunes from the balcony and their words rained down on the unfolding drama below. From the insi...
Els Viaene :: Ways of Seeing Sound – liebig12
Performance: 4 February 2023 / 8PM Exhibition: 5 – 19 February 2023 / 2 – 8PM “Why can’t sounds be visible? Would the feedback from ear to eye cause fatal oscillation?” (Pauline Oliveros) What is so...
Passing Through::Felipe Vareschi – liebig12
11:00 to 20:00 Passing Through is an interactive audio installation that explores the themes of presence and participation within the context of the city’s soundscape. By simply existing, we continuou...