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Departments | Lahore General Hospital
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Anjuman Bahboodi-e-Mariza | Lahore General Hospital
Anjuman Bahboodi-e-Mariza Anjuman Behboodi-e-Marizan Lahore General Hospital (LGH) is registered under the ordinance 1961, (XLVI 1961), providing free of cost facilities and treatment worth millions...
Central Research Lab | Lahore General Hospital
PhD (Human Genetics & Molecular-Biology) Dr. Ghazala Rubi is the director of central research laboratory. She holds the responsibility of section of PCR Diagnostics (HCV RNA PCR & HBV DNA PCR), resear...
- About Us | Lahore General Hospital
Overview | Lahore General Hospital
Overview Lahore General Hospital, Lahore over an area of (256 Kanals) situated on Ferozepur Road, Lahore about 17 Kilometers which was initially proposed as beggar house and its foundation stone was ...
- Info Desk | Lahore General Hospital