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People – Kazak Lab
Lawrence Kazak, PhD (University of Cambridge)Assistant Professor, Goodman Cancer Institute, Department of BiochemistryCanada Research Chair in Adipocyte Biology Lawrence completed his PhD with Ian J. ...
Publications – Kazak Lab
Directly supervised trainees are underlined#Corresponding authorship 2023 1. Promoting metabolic inefficiency for metabolic disease Kazak L# (2023). iScience 2022 1. ADRA1A-Gaq signalling potentiates ...
Research – Kazak Lab
The Kazak lab studies host energy metabolism in physiology and disease. We combine biochemical and genetic tools with mouse genetics to define key pathways that contribute to energy balance, metabolic...
News/Recognitions – Kazak Lab
2023 October - Congratulations to eh Kazak Lab for receiving a 5-year CIHR project grant. - Lawrence is speaking at EASD in Hamburg Germany. September - Lawrence, Faiz and Janane are speaking at the 1...
Contact – Kazak Lab
Where you can find us McIntyre Medical Building Room 708 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler Montréal, Quebec, H3G 1Y6 Lab/Trainees: 514.398.5656 Office/PI: 514.398.5605 Email:
Join – Kazak Lab
Interested in joining our team? We are looking for motivated, curious, and enthusiastic postdoctoral scientists, graduate students, and undergrads. Please read the sections below that detail what info...