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Jumo Tekstil
Jumo Textile Since 2011, in the intermediate products sector for women's clothing and underwear, products that catch quality trend Meet Us What are we doing Manufacture of intermediate prod...
About us – Jumo Tekstil
Who are we As of 2011, we are serving to laundry, swimwear, lady confection and medical sectors with a capacity of 1.000.000 pairs per month in our 4000 square meter plant. How we started Our ...
Contact – Jumo Tekstil
CONTACT JUMO TEKSTİL SAN ve TİC AŞ You may send a message and visit us when you want Adress: Aksemseddin Mahallesi Inonu Caddesi No: 103-105 34510 Esenyurt İstanbul Phone: +90 212 431 44 44 Ema...
Products – Jumo Tekstil
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Hakkımızda – Jumo Tekstil
Biz Kimiz 4.000 metrekare üretim/depo alanına sahip fabrikamız aylık 1.000.000 adet kapasitesiyle iç çamaşır, mayo, konfeksiyon ve medikal sektörlerine hizmet vermektedir. Geçmişimiz Nası...
Push-up Cups – Jumo Tekstil
Type of Use The cups produced from UV featured foam and with a special technique, enlarge the breasts and ensure a orthostatic posture. Cups are antiperspirant with their air blowing feature. ...