jsdw - Projects
A selection of the things that I have worked on. Take a look at my github account for more.
Yap is a small, well documented, dependency free library to help you parse strings and slices ...
jsdw - Notes on Kubernetes
images, which contain everything your application needs to run. These images can be quickly spun up into
containers, which can be thought of as lightweight VMs. They share the underlying OS kern...
jsdw - A React Developer Tries Svelte
A React Developer Tries Svelte 2020-10-31
React and Svelte are both frameworks that are in charge of keeping your HTML in sync with your data, and both make it easy to create highly interactive w...
jsdw - Posts
In this post I'm going to work towards writing a function that can accept and work with closures taking variable numbers and types of arguments. On the way, I'll look at trait families...
jsdw - An Introduction to Lambda Calculus
An Introduction to Lambda Calculus 2013-03-17
Recently, I've written about a couple of compression algorithms here and here, and a few more in my release here. Soo, time for something different! ...
jsdw - Web App: Fractal Explorer
Web App: Fractal Explorer 2013-05-15
After completing my competitive learning application, I was eager to see quite what Javascript was actually capable of. At the same time, I knew vaguely what ...