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Gregor Jonsson | Specialists in Shrimp Peeling Since 1955
… all at the same time using a Jonsson shrimp peeling system. Today, Jonsson systems can peel more styles than ever before and with uniformity and precision not possible to achieve when peeling shrimp...
Systems | Gregor Jonsson
Basic System Suitable for part or full time use, our Basic System is the simplest and least expensive choice. It fits the needs of those with limited peeling requirements and limited space. It is su...
Technical Support | Gregor Jonsson
Design Assistance With our 60+ years of experience, can help you select the peeling system that best meets your requirements and configure it to maximize production capacity in the available space. St...
About | Gregor Jonsson
About The original concept for the Jonsson shrimp peeling system was developed by Gregor Jonsson in 1938. Gregor owned a retail fish market in Highland Park, IL and to maintain the highest quality, h...
Benefits | Gregor Jonsson
Peel shrimp FASTER Many times faster than hand peeling, a single Jonsson machine can peel up to 6,000 shrimp per hour. That’s 100 shrimp per minute! Faster peeling means shrimp move to additional proc...
Distribution | Gregor Jonsson
In the United States All equipment for use in the United States is leased. This means users can start saving money almost from the very start. Typically, when manufacturers lease equipment, it is so t...