Auto Services - Jiffy Lube
Backed by our pledge Our certified Jiffy Lube® Technicians are here to help. Yes, we’re known far and wide for our state-of-the-art oil changes. But, our expertise goes much deeper than that. From pre...
Oil Change - Jiffy Lube
Oil Change
Get more out of your oil change with our Signature Service®, which offers a full-scale preventative check on your vehicle.
Essential to every engine
A well-lubricated engine is vital to kee...
Locations - Jiffy Lube
Find a Jiffy Lube Closest to You Check out all the locations here, or search for your city below. Jiffy is everywhere to help serve you better!
Fuel System Cleaning - Jiffy Lube
Fuel System Cleaning
Every mile counts. Get the most out of your gasoline by ridding your vehicle’s fuel system of dirt and debris.
Hit the open road with gusto
Smooth acceleration and efficient miles...
FAQ - Jiffy Lube
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about oil changes and other services at Jiffy Lube®, you might find the answer here. If you don’t see your question, give your closest location a s...
Tire Services - Jiffy Lube
Tire Services
Rubber to the road
Near or far, your tires take you there. But, have you looked to see if they’re properly inflated, rotated and have even tread? Your local Jiffy Lube® can run all the c...