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Contact/About — James Stenson
He has also worked extensively for commercial, television, and film clients in both the US and UK, including Warner Bros., the BBC, UK Channels 4 and 5, HBO, NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW, Living TV, Sky Me...
- STILLS — James Stenson
FILM — James Stenson
Breaking the Silence - Short Film Survivors of sexual assault in detention courageously share their stories. Victims are transformed into activists by breaking the silence. Reflections - Short Film A...
The Game — James Stenson
HOME[1] FILM[2] STILLS[3] Conta...
- MTV True Life — James Stenson
Reflections - Short Film — James Stenson
Although no words are spoken, human tales of love and loss, joy and pain, are conveyed through the emotion of memory.