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University of Jos Library catalog
Important links here. Welcome!Welcome to the University of Jos Library. This is your space to access knowledge. It is also a space to interact with staff and students. Library staff have put in much ...
University of Jos Institutional Repository: Home
Welcome to University of Jos Institutional Repository, feel free to browse our collections! University of Jos Institutional Repository is an online store for collecting, preserving and disseminating i...
University of Jos Institutional Repository: Theses and Dissertations
University of Jos Institutional Repository[1] > Collections in this community Post graduate theses and ...
University of Jos Institutional Repository: Educational ICT
Search DSpace Advanced Search[1] Hom...
University of Jos Institutional Repository: The Implementation of Progressivism in Nigerian
Abstract: The thesis sought to assess the extent to which progressive education is implemented in Nigeria. This is essentially because while the National Policy on Education has progressive underpinn...
- University of Jos Institutional Repository: Library