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IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
Dear Users: IONOLAB website are developed using TUBITAK grants. These services are for academic and research purposes only. Any commercial use will be prosecuted under Turkish Law. Please mention the...
IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
General Information on the Ionosphere The ionosphere is that region of the atmosphere surrounding the earth that is ionized primarily by the solar radiation. During the day the ionized layers exist ...
IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
Main PageAbout IONOLABAbout IonosphereActivitiesPublicationsContact UsRelated LinksNewsFAQ Videos IONOLAB-TEC Estimation IONOLAB-TEC service is a JAVA based application which uses the Reg-Es...
IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
SVD based basis functions RLS, TLS, TSVD, ART and HART are implemented and performances are compared over 2-D IRI surfaces. It is observed that SVD bases provides an optimum basis both for latitude ...
- IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
IONOLAB - Ionosphere Research Laboratory
Direction Finding (DF) – Direction of Arrival (DoA) Estimation for HF Channels Ionospheric channels exhibit random space, time and frequency variations which cause various degrading effects on the ...