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Project Mohole - IODP
Project Mohole The vision and reality of deep ocean drilling began in 1961 with Project Mohole. Project Mohole led by the American Miscellaneous Society with funding from the National Science Foundati...
Exploring the Earth Under the Sea
News Updates - IODP
News Updates The IODP Town Hall at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 10, 5 30-7 30 pm, at the Marriott Union Square, 480 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA.
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Submitting Proposals - IODP
Submitting Proposals Next Proposal Submission Deadline 1 April 2012, 23 59 GMT IODP-MI is launching a Proposal Database System version 2. 0 (PDB 2.
Expeditions | IODP
Summary from the Scientific Prospectus: The Fram Strait is a special gateway for ocean currents to flow between the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The northward flowing current system plays importa...