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Ecole de commerce : BTS, Bachelor, BBA, Master, MSc - INSEEC
L'INSEEC est une école de commerce spécialisée dans le management. Elle propose 10 spécialisations et 5 programmes d'étude du BAC au BAC +5.
INSEEC, build your future, unleash your talent - INSEEC
INSEEC is a business school specialized in management. It offers 10 specialisations and 5 study programmes from BAC to BAC +5.
The INSEEC MSc program - INSEEC
The MSc is INSEEC's level 7 RNCP program, accessible after a 3rd year undergraduate or a 1st year postgraduate level, it enables you to specialize and professionalize.
Bachelor - INSEEC Bachelor programs
The INSEEC Bachelor's degree is a 3-year post-baccalaureate program accessible outside the Parcoursup system. It combines fundamental business management courses, progressive specialization and profes...
Apply for one of the 5 INSEEC programs
Learn more about the admission process to join one of the 5 INSEEC programs: BBA, Bachelor, MSc&MBA, BTS and Grande Ecole.
The INSEEC Bachelor's course (Bac to Bac+3) - INSEEC
INSEEC Bachelor is a 3-year post-baccalaureate program, accessible outside of Parcoursup, combining business fundamentals, specializations, projects and corporate experience.