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About – Indian Head Animal Clinic
This is an example of a page. Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s front page in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for more timeless content that you want to be easily a...
Indian Head Animal Clinic – Page 2 – Caring for pets and their families
Caring for pets and their families
Dr. Melanie Roth – Page 3 – Indian Head Animal Clinic
Read all of the posts by Dr. Melanie Roth on Indian Head Animal Clinic
February 2015 – Indian Head Animal Clinic
5 posts published by Dr. Melanie Roth during February 2015
Now, Where’d I Put My Catnip? – Indian Head Animal Clinic
Behavioral changes in old cats As cats age, they often develop medical problems which are interpreted as "getting old". These can include: Confusion (getting trapped in corners or forgetting the locat...
Ultrasound Contest! – Indian Head Animal Clinic
Dr. Roth will be attending an ultrasound refresher course this upcoming week from Feb.18-23. The clinic will be open for pet supplies and food and for booking appointments. Guess what this ultrasound ...