IMPACT Initiatives | Shaping practices | Influencing policies | Impacting lives
IMPACT Initiatives is a
leading Geneva based think-and-do-tank, created in 2010 and firstly operationalized in 2012. IMPACT is a sister organization of ACTED.
IMPACT’s teams implement
assessment, mo...
Work with us | Impact
IMPACT’s teams work in more than 20 countries across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Work in the field is supported by the work done at IMPACT’s headquarters in Geneva, the he...
Who we are | Impact
Shaping Practices Influencing Policies Impacting Lives
IMPACT Initiatives is a leading Geneva-based think-and-do tank which aims to improve the impact of humanitarian, stabilisation and development ac...
What we do | Impact
IMPACT supports humanitarian planning, programming and implementation through field-based assessment and research projects. IMPACT, for example, facilitates multi-sector and sec...
Publications | Impact
IMPACT collects and analyses large quantities of primary and secondary data in contexts of crisis in order to inform decision-making and humanitarian programming. The data, information and knowledge p...
AGORA | Impact
an a
rea-based approach for aid planning and delivery anchored in local territories and knowledge that aims to increase the relevance and the value added of humanitarian and development prog...