IHSN | International Household Survey Network
Our Central Data Catalog provides searchable metadata from thousands of surveys and censuses conducted in low- and middle-income countries.
Our knowledge base provides guidelines, reference materials...
Survey catalogs | IHSN
The IHSN Central Survey catalog provides a searchable list of surveys and censuses conducted in low- and middle-income countries. This catalog is maintained in collaboration with the World Bank and a ...
Standardized health survey modules | IHSN
Around the world, household surveys are an essential vehicle for the collection of information on health outcomes, determinants, utilization of health services and coverage of interventions. Household...
About | IHSN
The International Household Survey Network (IHSN) is an informal network of international agencies that operates solely on the basis of voluntary contributions—in kind or in cash—from its members. Dev...
Guidelines | IHSN
This section provides guidelines and best practices related to all stages of survey implementation. Some have been produced by or for the IHSN, others are based on other agencies' work. This section o...
Designing survey programs | IHSN
In developing countries, household surveys are often the dominant form of data collection, and implementation of survey programs is largely funded by external sponsors. This high dependency on externa...