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Blog | iconiContent (Aaron Orendorff)
Before you hire a strategist, start your next campaign, or write another word alone, download the … Comprehensive Content Strategy Roadmap This is the exact resource I’ve used with clients starting at...
The Only Copywriting Formula You'll Ever Need: How to Unleash the Most Primal Human Motivator
Let's start with a warning. This post is about the only copywriting formula you'll ever need: fear. Like any psychologically informed method of persuasion, fear is ripe for abuse and manipulation. S...
Writing Copy That Sells: Copywriting Definition with 20 Examples, 10 Skills & 3 Rules
Is there a secret to writing copy that sells? Some dark-magic formula that breaks through the barriers, barricades, and psychological bulwarks? Yes. And I have proof.
Writing with Passion: 10 Formulas to ‘Amplify’ Your Words
We all struggle to communicate passion. Nowhere is this struggle more painful than copywriting. Mastering the ability to create an emotional connection with your audience -- a shared experience of des...
The Best Copywriters on the (Very) Best Copywriting Books
Want to become a top copywriter? Easy. Just one word: read. Well actually, three words would be better: read ... a lot.
10 Rules of Successful Communication
Here’s a dangerous way to start a post: Love him or hate him: Frank Luntz is right. Not necessarily about this... or this... although this bit from the Colbert Report is pretty awesome. The Colbert Re...