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About Us – ICNA – New York
ABOUT US The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is a leading American Muslim organization dedicated to the betterment of society through the application of Islamic values. Since 1968. ICNA has wor...
The New Muslim Program – ICNA – New York
Welcome to the New Muslim Corner! This new initiative has been set up by ICNA New York to provide a spiritual, educational, religious and social support network for those who are interested to learn m...
I am your Muslim Neighbor – ICNA – New York
I am your Muslim Neighbor I Am Your Muslim Neighbor is a Dawah campaign initiated by ICNA NY Chapter to educate our fellow neighbors about Islam and Muslims, and answer any of their questions. Under t...
Special Classes (Tajweed/Arabic) – ICNA – New York
Special Classes (Tajweed/Arabic) ICNA NY arrange Quranic Tajweed and basic Arabic language Classes a, taught by Highly Certified and Traditionally Trained Scholar of the Qur’anic Sciences with Ijazah ...
Street Dawah – ICNA – New York
Street Dawah Street Dawah involves calling people to Islam in a spontaneous manner. Usually, it involves walking up to people on the street to engage them in conversation in addition to offering free ...
Welcome Ramadan – ICNA – New York
Welcome Ramadan Ramadan is the most anticipated month of the Islamic Calendar; a month that Muslims across the globe crave and yearn to see again. Every year ICNA New York arrange a family event ‘welc...