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Conference venue | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
The conference will be held in a high quality venue in London, which we shall not be revealing publicly. Shortly before the conference, ticket holders will be informed by email of the venue location.
Conference timetable | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
The conference timetable (as at 18.7.18) is here.
ICMI19 will be held in North America | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
ICMI19 will be held in North America, a three-day event in July or August. A number of people have offered to host the event in major cities. More details in due course. If you have a potential intere...
A Voice for Men | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
A Voice for Men (AVFM) was established in 2009 as a platform for men’s advocates and as an advocacy arm for the men’s human rights movement. Since then it has played a pivotal role in changing the cul...
The Non-Feminist Declaration | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
Along with Elizabeth Hobson, our Director of Communications, and others, I recently contributed to a document whose contents I read out at the start of my conference speech - The Non-Feminist Declarat...
September | 2017 | International Conference on Men's Issues (2018)
3 posts published by Mike Buchanan during September 2017