Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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A Database Query Language — HTSQL
HTSQL is designed for data analysts and other accidental programmers who have complex business inquiries to solve and need a productive tool to write and share database queries. HTSQL is Overview a ...
Download — HTSQL
Note To include HTSQL RPM repository, run: # rpm -Uvh Now you can install HTSQL: # yum install HTSQL # yum install HTSQL-PGSQL ...
Overview of HTSQL — HTSQL
HTSQL is first and formost designed for the accidental programmer and as such provides a direct mapping of common business inquiries onto a computer parsable and executable syntax. Just because a qu...
HTSQL Documentation — HTSQL
News[1] Documentation[2] Gallery[3] Download[4] Community[5] Overview of HTSQL[6] Wha...
HTSQL Tutorial — HTSQL
A query language for the accidental programmer HTSQL makes accessing data as easy as browsing the web. An HTSQL processor translates web requests into relational database queries and returns the resu...
Installing HTSQL — HTSQL
# pip install HTSQL pip will download, build and install HTSQL and all its dependencies. HTSQL works out of the box with SQLite databases. To run HTSQL on top of other database servers, you need to ...