Discover free physical coding and applied robotics activities for grades 2-8 using Wonder Workshop's Dash, Dot, & cue robots. Bring coding to life during the Hour of Code, and then continue the playfu...
Cue's Starter Guide - WONDER WORKSHOP
Meet Cue! Get to know the four different avatars. Then, use the in-app demos and challenges to explore block-based, text-based, and state machine programming. Are you ready? Download this student...
Dash the Collector (level B) - WONDER WORKSHOP
Dash needs to collect some goodies, like candy and seashells (who wouldn't?)! Introduce students to sequencing by using Blockly to program Dash to gather the objects accurately with the bulldozer...
Dot at the Petting Zoo (level B) - WONDER WORKSHOP
Dot is excited to visit the petting zoo and meet some animals. Students will explore using loops within Blockly to program Dot to make animal sounds, hide from the escaped animals, and then help the.....
Grades 2-5 (2018) - WONDER WORKSHOP
Explore the coding concepts of sequences, loops, variables, and functions with Dash & Dot. Find step-by-step instructions and discussion questions, plus Blockly solutions, cross-curricular...
Dash's Road Trip (level F) - WONDER WORKSHOP
Time for a road trip, and what better buddy to travel with than Dash? Use Blockly to set variables to fill up and keep a full gas tank before the big trip. Download the following packets for teachers....