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Welcome to the History of York
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Welcome to the History of York
A Jewish History Audio Tour This Trail is produced by IPUP, Th…
Timeline: History of York
71 A.D. Colosseum Built in Rome Read More At around the same time that York was founded, in Rome itself work was starting on the massive arena known as the Colosseum. It was completed by about...
Themes: History of York
A brief chronology of the city: Rom...
An Independent City: History of York
King John signing the Magna Carta (Goodrich 1844) For most of the Norman period York, like the rest of Yorkshire, had been governed by the Sheriff. He was based at York Castle, but had responsibilit...
A List of Key Dates in York's History: History of York
306 Emperor Constantius dies here 306 Constantine is declared Emperor in York 314 Bishop of York is summoned to the Council of Arles Anglo Saxon