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Neighborhood Association | Historic Meridian Park
Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program (SNAP, our version of Crime Watch) Alley cleanups Alliance for Senior Advocacy Program (ASAP, assisting neighbors age 62+ with things like applying for winter assis...
Historic Meridian Park Neighbor Tips | Historic Meridian Park
May 7, 2011 Historic Meridian Park (HMP) is one of Indianapolis’s premiere historic neighborhoods. The HMPNA board and neighbors work hard to ensure that the neighborhood is a pleasant and safe place...
Neighborhood Origins | Historic Meridian Park
The name of our neighborhood, Historic Meridian Park, has its roots in the subdivision and sale of the Osgood Estate Lands in 1905, which up to that time had been devoted to agriculture. Osgood’s Mer...
The Pocket Park | Historic Meridian Park
An open appeal to Historic Meridian Park neighbors by Mark Herner Having recently become bicycle-competent, my 10-year-old daughter is thrilled with the independence that mobility provides, or at leas...
Pocket Park Updates | Historic Meridian Park
February 5, 2023 The pocket park has become a destination for many neighborhood events from board meetings to larger board-sponsored social events. Moving forward, the board is looking into replacing ...
Events | Historic Meridian Park
Kevin & Christina Asselin