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Hiltex Technical Textiles | Fabrics for tomorrow
Hiltex Technische Weefsels is an internationally orientated multi-product producer of heat-resistant technical textiles. Visited the website for information!
Hiltex Textures Techniques | Fabrics for tomorrow
Hiltex Technische Weefsels est un producteur multiproduit à vocation internationale de textiles techniques thermorésistants.
Hiltex Technical Textiles | Fabrics for tomorrow
About us Hiltex Technische Weefsels is an internationally orientated multi-product producer of heat-resistant technical textiles. Hiltex Technische Weefsels was founded by Pieter Hildering in 1987 in ...
Produits | Hiltex Textures Techniques
Notre produits, Tissu de silice, Tissus de verre, Tissu aramide, ALF, Accessoires, Revêtements/Traitements
Products | Hiltex Technical Textiles
The product of Hiltex Technical Textiles are Silica fabric, glass fabric, aramid fabric, ALF fabric, accessoires, coatings and treatments. How can we help you?
Applications | Hiltex Textures Techniques
Protection contre le Feu, la Chaleur et la Fumée, Équipement de Protection Personelle, Isolation Thermique