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Decanter Centrifuge Machine Service & OEM Factory Support and Parts
Hiller offers OEM factory supported service and spare parts for Hiller decanter centrifuges, as well as KHD Humboldt and Bird, as well as US Filter.
About Hiller Separation & Process in the U.S.
Hiller Separation & Process is a family owned decanter centrifuge and system manufacturer. Founded in Germany, Hiller has over 40 years of experience in liquid/solid separation processes.
Decanter Centrifuges for Two-Phase and Three-Phase Liquid/Solid Separation
Top quality German engineering and craftsmanship are included in every field tested machine design. Hiller provides the option for customization of standard machine models so they can be built for the...
Hiller DP484 Decanter Centrifuge With SEE Drive
The Hiller DP484 decanter centrifuge with SEE drive is the most modern decanter on the market. Safe, service friendly, and reliable, the DP484 is excellent for clarification and is stationary and ene...
The Hiller Advantage
With over 40 years of experience in research, development and manufacturing of decanter centrifuges, Hiller has the ability to offer individual and custom designs optimized for each application.
OEM Factory Support & Spare Parts for Decanter Centrifuges
Hiller-US provides OEM factory support service and spare parts for North America customers operating KHD, KHD Humboldt, HDI, Bird, Baker Process, Siemens CentraMax and CentraPac/US Filter and Centrisy...