Hexo is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework powered by Node.js.
Documentation | Hexo
Welcome to the Hexo documentation. If you encounter any problems when using Hexo, have a look at the troubleshooting guide, raise an issue on GitHub or start a topic on the Google Group. What is Hexo
Themes | Hexo
Many plugins and themes are contributed by the community. They are not maintained by Hexo organization. Hexo organization does not guarantee their availability and security.
Setup | Hexo
Once Hexo is installed, run the following commands to initialize Hexo in the target <folder>. $ hexo init <folder>$ cd <folder>$ npm install Once initialized, here’s what your pro
Templates | Hexo
Templates define the presentation of your website by describing what each page should look like. The table below shows the corresponding template for every available page. At the very least, a theme s
Writing | Hexo
To create a new post or a new page, you can run the following command: $ hexo new [layout] <title> post is the default layout, but you can supply your own. You can change the default layout b