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Enrollment / Home
Enrollment at Helix Charter High School Lottery results for the 2024-2025 school year were emailed on Friday, March 8. You can log in your SchoolMint account to find your waitlist number. You can stil...
Helix Charter High School / Homepage
Grad Regalia Info Night - Thursday, April 4 at 6pm Our Student Support team will explain about the requirements to get a Platinum Cap, Golden State Seal, Biliteracy Seal, Honors Cord, and Valedictoria...
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Helix Charter High School / Calendar
Other Calendars "); } if("" != "") { $("#pmi...
Performing Arts / Home
Director of Instrumental Music Michael Benge comes from an extremely diverse background of professional music making and music educational experiences and is a deeply entrenched in the Southern Califo...
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