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ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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入境檢疫系統 - 疾病管制署
入境檢疫系統 入境旅客需居家檢疫 All inbound travelers are required to undergo home quarantine accor...
入境檢疫系統 Entry Health Declaration System - 衛生福利部
Please make an online health declaration after your flight arrives in Taiwan. After arriving in Taiwan, you must wear a face mask all the time and go to the quarantine location as soon as possible. Do...
入境檢疫系統(航機版)Entry Health Declaration System (Aircraft version) - 衛生福利部
依傳染病防治法規定,旅客應詳實申報本系統資料。填寫不實者,依該法第69條規定,最高得處新臺幣15萬元以下罰鍰。 According to Article 69 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, any person who falsifie...
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為降低可能傳播風險,並保障您自己、親友及周遭人士的健康,請您於入境後5天內配合「加強自主健康管理」, 入境後第5天無症狀且篩檢陰性後改「一般自主健康管理」至入境後第14天︰ To reduce the risk of disease transmission and pro...
旅客入境健康聲明暨居家檢疫通知書 旅客入境健康聲明暨居家檢疫通知書 - 衛生福利部
依據臺灣法令規定,您為檢疫對象,請遵守以下規定: According to laws and regulations in Taiwan, you are required to take quarantine after entry and abide by the following requirements: ...
COVID-19 接種證明上傳 - 衛生福利部
例如臺胞證、大通證、入臺證或持有第二本護照號碼 Mainland Travel Permit For Taiwan Residents/Pass mainland residents to Taiwan /E...