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Contact Us - Harmon Curran
Contact Form * Indicates required field Name* Organization Email* PhoneHow Did You Find Our Firm?How did you find our firm?Internet SearchRecommended by coworker/friendReferred by another attorneyThro...
Firm - Harmon Curran
Harmon Curran is a nationally recognized law firm providing nonprofit organizations with advice on tax exemption, lobbying, election-related activity, employment, and other legal matters facing organi...
Clients - Harmon Curran
Our clients range from small, local, grassroots groups to large, nationally and internationally recognized organizations. They work on a wide variety of issues — environmental protection, economic j...
Employment - Harmon Curran
Harmon Curran counsels nonprofit management on all aspects of the employment relationship, drawing on our deep knowledge of employment law and our decades of practical experience understanding the cul...
Diane Curran - Harmon Curran
As one of the country’s leading environmental and nuclear safety advocates, Diane Curran has stopped unsafe nuclear projects and won significant safety and environmental protection measures before the...
2020 Inflation Adjustments - Harmon Curran
The IRS has announced new, inflation-adjusted rates and limits for 2020. Low Cost Article The unrelated business income of certain tax-exempt organizations does not include proceeds from the distribut...