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Service and Troubleshoot Manuals - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
The manuals below are service manuals for various pieces of equipment by manufacturer
Refrigeration tools - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
Refrigeration tools are specialized for use in the air conditioning and refrigeration field. This page covers the manifold gauge set. Below are links to pages covering other tools used in the...
Refrigerants - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
A refrigerant is any substance that can be manipulated to boil and condense at the correct temperatures and pressures for the application. The service tech does not deal with the design of...
Furnaces - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
Hand tools - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
Driver sets are sockets on a screwdriver handle. The sizes are 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The standard set as shown above has a hole in the center for extended bolts. They can be ordered with magnetic...
Accumulator - Gray Cooling Man Air Conditioning Repair Advice
This is a component used to protect the compressor from liquid flood back. It is a tank placed between the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction line. When excess liquid comes back to...