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GrammarCheck - Check your text online
Now you can grammar and spell check any text or document online. Simply copy and paste your text onto our website to proofread, review, and correct it.
Free Grammar Checker (Online Editor)
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Learning Tenses
'Oh those horrid tenses,' I hear you cry. We feel your pain. But bear with them and persevere because tenses form the crux of the English language and we just can’t do without them. Trying not to conf...
Formal vs. Informal: 100 Examples & What You Need to Know (Infographic)
Find out when you should use formal or informal language in your writing, and discover 100 formal and informal counterparts of common English expressions.
Want to become a better writer? Take a look at our infographics, and bookmark and share, if you care (about your writing).
Grammar Blog
Reviews of grammar rules, writing advice, English sayings, new words, proofreading tips, and much more.