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Gladstone Primary Academy - Home
Home Gladstone Primary Academy opened on the 1st February 2017, replacing Gladstone Primary School. Gladstone Primary Academy is a multicultural primary academy near the centre of Peterborough. The a...
Gladstone Primary Academy - Year 3
Year 3 If you will be in Year 4 from September for more details please look at the Year 4 Summer Home Learning page. If you will be in Year 3 from September for more details please look at the Year ...
Gladstone Primary Academy - Learning
Learning Vision ‘Belief in the power of learning is the foundation of the high expectations, constant challenge and inspirational teaching that motivates our learners. The journey that our learners em...
Gladstone Primary Academy - McKie Mastery
McKie Mastery •Power EYFS, •Power English, •Power Maths. The approach is designed to limit cognitive overload and enable children to know and remember more. Details can be found on the McKie Maste...
Gladstone Primary Academy - Staff
Staff Leadership Team Mrs Jawaid - Deputy Headteacher ( Mr Fountain - Assistant Head, Primary Maths Lead TDET ( Mrs Wales - Head of GSS/EYFS (lwales@gpa....
Gladstone Primary Academy - Staff
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