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Jay Goodliffe, Brigham Young University
Jay Goodliffe's Teaching Page To access the syllabus for a specific class, click on link:
Syllabus for Political Science 304: Game Theory in Political Science
Announcements I regularly make announcements, clarifications, further instructions, etc., in class and by email and Learning Suite. You are responsible for all of these, even if you do not attend c...
Curriculum vitae for Jay Goodliffe
Referee American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Journal of Theoretical Politics, ...
Syllabus for Political Science 313: Interest Groups
Learning Outcomes This course is an introduction to interest groups and their role in American politics. It will consider ways to evaluate interest groups systematically and rigorously. The course w...
Syllabus for Political Science 301: Data Visualization
Learning Outcomes Many debates and questions in political science can be addressed with data: How does money influence legislation and elections? Are economically developed countries more democratic? ...
Syllabus for Public Policy 604: Data Analysis 2
Announcements I regularly make announcements, clarifications, further instructions, etc., in class and by email. You are responsible for both, even if you do not attend class. You are also responsib...