Also works in rspec anchoring
ruby -r rib/config -S rspec spec/slow_spec.rb:12
While in the code
Why Bother to Create? Why Not Just Use?
The joy of not debugging other people's code.
The joy of being fearless and doubtless.
⬆ Well, that must be my bug
⬆ I don't have to keep bugging support
⬆ Which is sometimes hopeless
The Promise of rest-core
Callbacks / Asynchronous / Non-blocking
Callback Hell?
c = client
%w[ruby opal].each do |n|
c.get("#{n}/friends") do |f|
c.get("#{f.first['name']}/friends") do |ff|
GitLab on GKE v2
Navigate to Secrets > Config on the left
Click on default-token-xxx for the default namespace
Copy token (last item) to Service token in GitLab
Copy ca.crt (first item, including BEGIN and END lines) ...
Have you seen the Mock Muack yet?
Have you seen the Mock Muack yet?
Table of Contents
Pick the one
generic (meta) term used for these objects or procedures.
buzzword used for these objects or procedures.
mimic the behavior of real ob...
OO, Variance, Type Safety
OO, Variance, Type Safety
Wikipedia says...
Within the type system of a programming language, a typing rule or a type constructor is:
covariant if it preserves the ordering, ≤, of types, which orde...