About The Author and Book
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A Different Way to be..
A Different Way to be..
The Gnostics were seekers, open to new knowledge, not fixated on the past but trusted the "living Christ."
The Gnostic scriptures are so important because they reveal that...
What the gnostic books reveal is that the gnostic style of faith is a different way to be Christian. It differs from those who say Christianity means simply believe in Jesus or go to hell. T...
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Section One
Within the development of the early church, then, as now, even sincere Christians did not believe the same. Yet as the church developed with a growing number of those called bishops, th...
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Section Three
Gnosticschristians.com is a web site for those who are interested in learning about a different way to be Christian that was literally suppressed because it held that Jesus' message wa...
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As said in the introduction, these gospels encourage a more dynamic, refreshing, open-minded, spiritual, loving, and exciting way to be a Christian. A different way of faith, as some mig...