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Popular pages
Black History Month › Global Dimension
Taking place during the month of October every year. Celebrating black history and the contributions of black people worldwide.
International Day of Peace › Global Dimension
Taking place on 21st September every year. Calling on all nations to observe a day of global ceasefire and non violence.
Resource Search › Global Dimension
Global Dimension is the UK's leading global learning platform, supporting a community of educators in bringing global connection, compassion, and conversation to life for their students.
International Day of Older Persons › Global Dimension
Taking place on 1st October every year. Raising awareness of the impact of an ageing population and the need to ensure people can grow old with dignity.
International Day of Democracy › Global Dimension
Taking place on 15th September every year. Encouraging the world's governments to strengthen democracy.
Developing the Global Dimension in the School Curriculum › Global Dimension
This booklet shows how the global dimension can be integrated across the curriculum and into the wider life of schools. It was published by a consortium of government bodies and NGOs: DFID, DfES, QCA,...