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Final Fantasy 8 Part 1 – SeeD Mercenaries – ghostlyproton
Final Fantasy 8 came shortly after FF7, and was a huge leap, mostly in graphics. FF8 was also the first FF I got my hands on as a young child and got to play, so of course I might be just a tad bit bi...
Final Fantasy 10 Part 2 – Finale – ghostlyproton
Check out what happened last time! Yunalesca actually isn't too bad of a fight. I still got a few game overs, especially on her third phase. Once due to a funny mistake on my part, but we will get to ...
Final Fantasy 3 Part 6 -The Invincible – ghostlyproton
Last time, after restoring the water crystal, the darkness was lifted over the surface world, allowing us full access to it. However, a man named Goldor chained our ship, making us unable to use it un...
Final Fantasy 4 Part 6 – Princes and Pawns – ghostlyproton
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Final Fantasy 7 – Finale – ghostlyproton
Last time we did some last minute preparations and item gathering. If you missed it, check out the last part here. Now, join me for the finale of Final Fantasy 7! I decided to do some grinding to get ...
Final Fantasy 2 Part 6 – Finale – ghostlyproton
Last time, we had traveled up the Mysidian tower, found Mindu, who used his life to unseal the barrier between us and the Ultima Scroll. Then the emperor unleashed a deadly cyclone, killing hundreds. ...