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German Language Stack Exchange
Q&A for speakers of German wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and translation
Newest Questions - German Language Stack Exchange
I'm a linguist who knows some things about German, but I don't actually know German. I'm trying to come up with a very particular kind of example sentence for a syntax course I'm teaching. What I want...
What is the difference in usage between “vielen Dank” and “Danke schön”? - German Language Stack
I know that they are both essentially polite and mean Thanks a lot, Many thanks etc. but I’ve always wondered if there is a specific difference between the two. Is there a specific context or situ...
Tour - German Language Stack Exchange
ITler or, more German, EDVler, which is very broad. If people spend a lot of time with computers, theyâre often called Computerfreak â I, however, donât know whether it is still current. I kno...
Resources for learning German - German Language Stack Exchange
Since they have same questions on different language learning SE websites(resources for learning Russian), I'd like to write one for German language since it's a great idea to have all kinds of res...
punctuation - What is the correct way to denote a quotation in German? - German Language Stack
In English, quoted texts are normally written in speech marks, "like this," or occasionally 'like this.' However on this site I have seen people writing German quotes like »this« and „this.“ Whic...