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Welcome to the Public Support UCSC Genome Browser Wiki This wiki site provides a forum for sharing information about the UCSC Genome Browser, a web-based tool that provides a fast, easy way to display...
Gene id conversion - genomewiki
Gene id conversion Contents merge/download data from the Table browser query the public mySQL database ftp text files set the clade, genome, assembly set the group to Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks,...
Chains Nets - genomewiki
Chains Nets Chains and nets are higher-level collections of basic pairwise sequence alignments. Cross-species nets are used to make a single-coverage (on the reference genome) collection of pairwise ...
Genes in gtf or gff format - genomewiki
Genes in gtf or gff format From genomewiki There are pre-made GTF format files for every assembly that has knownGene, ncbiRefSeq, refGene, and Ensembl data. These can be found at the following downloa...
Genomewiki:About - genomewiki
Genomewiki:About Genomewiki is operated by the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Bioinformatics Group to facilitate communication and interaction among the developers and users of the ...
Assembly Hubs - genomewiki
Assembly Hubs Preface Please note, if you are working with a genome that has already been submitted to the NCBI Assembly system, it may already be available in the UCSC Genome Browser Please examine t...