How we work
We develop software for top legal software companies in the industry, helping them achieve their goals faster and more efficiently.
We provide an efficient solution that solves your ...
Services | GDSI
how we do it
Our team works closely with yours to find and create the right solution. We’re often asked:
Why develop custom software when you can just buy off the shelf?
Sometimes the solution you nee...
About | GDSI
Discover GDSI
We have over twenty-five years of experience developing efficient and effective software solutions so our clients can focus on their business.
30 Years and Counting
GDSI product managers...
The New Stresses of Working Virtually | GDSI
The New Stresses of Working Virtually
Imagine. Prior to COVID, GDSI performed most of our meetings in person, with us traveling anywhere across the globe to meet with clients. Then, on March 15, the w...
DMDrop for iManage | GDSI
DMDrop for iManage makes it easy to import your emails and attachments to iManage 10.
DMDrop for iManage
Filing emails is often pushed to the bottom of the to do list, but it’s critical to have this i...
WSToolkit for iManage | GDSI
The easiest, most versatile Workspace Generator Tool
WSToolkit for iManage automates the process of creating workspaces to better coincide with your matters or projects based on a template within your...