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Gareth Klose – writes about technology, television and travelling
writes about technology, television and travelling
You make me install it… you tell me how to remove it – Gareth Klose
Having installed some invasive ‘online proctoring’ software, I tried to ask the company how to uninstall it.
On email etiquette – Gareth Klose
Lovely seeing you recently by the way, how are the kids? Great, that’s lovely, can you do me a favour? Is it better to skip past the faux-pleasantries and to save everyone some time?
The Weaponisation of Resilience – Gareth Klose
(This post inspired by some posts I saw on LinkedIn, and some client experiences from many many years ago) Resilience is a useful property. We want it in many places: In our infrastructure from flo…
Don’t launch your website without solving these – Gareth Klose
Seeing the same mistakes made again and again makes Gareth sad.
A feature request for LinkedIn – Gareth Klose
I like LinkedIn, but I would love if I could make recruitment messages more relevant.