The glum
Digital Music News headline reads "Spotify Daylist is Blowing UpToo Bad the Creator Was Laid Off", and although I haven't specifically talked to the person who came up with Daylist since th...
Red Grape Herrings · 31 March 2023 tech
In a 2009 post about music-data modeling, I posed the reasonable human question "What Beatles album is 'Day Tripper' on?" and bemoaned the various ways in whic...
The War Against Silence
The War Against Silence was a weekly music-review column, and then a weekly column about music, and then a weekly column that was often inspired by music. It was written by glenn mcdonald, in Cambridg...
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instead of, say, loud guitars and bracingly good Japanese alternative rock bands willing to write whole albums of great blurry rock songs that don't necessarily start with the chorus despite only havi...
Music Demographics, Accountability and Short Blasts of Finnish Metal · 27 April 2018 listen/tech
The talk itself involved enough snapshots of changing data and short blasts of music that I am not goi...